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Agora Microfinance Zambia - Bessere Finanzdienstleistungen für Menschen im ländlichen Sambia

Agora Microfinance Zambia

Improving financial inclusion in rural Zambia


The microfinance institution (MFI) Agora Microfinance Zambia (AMZ) is part of the Agora Group, which is known for its strong social commitment. AMZ started operations in 2011 in Zambia’s Central province (Mumbwa) and Western province (Mongo) and is focused on improving access to financial services in rural areas.

Agora currently has six branches (2017), but plans to expand its reach and portfolio over the next few years by launching new rural branches to achieve nationwide coverage. In addition to offering loans through the village banking methodology, Agora Zambia also offers individual loans to micro-, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs).

AMZ is in a local partnership with the Irish NGO Concern Worldwide, which provides valuable pre-operative support and brings in its strong expertise in the field of social performance and microfinance.

Agora Microfinance Zambia has been an Oikocredit partner since 2017.

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