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Cooperativa Integral de Ahorro y Crédito "Para el Desarrollo Comunitario de Guatemala", RL - Unterstützung einer ländlichen Kreditgenossenschaft, die indigene Gemeinschaften bedient

Cooperativa Integral de Ahorro y Crédito "Para el Desarrollo Comunitario de Guatemala", RL

Supporting a rural credit union focused on indigenous communities


Cooperativa Integral de Ahorro y Crédito ‘Para el Desarrollo Comunitario de Guatemala’, RL (Crediguate) is a credit union created by the Asociación de Desarrollo Integral Rural (ASDIR). Crediguate serves clients from disadvantaged rural areas from its main offices in Totonicapán, Guatemala.

It is also active in other municipalities in the western and central regions of Guatemala, particularly in Sololá, Suchitepéquez, Huehuetenango and Quiché.

Most of the clients of Crediguate live in rural areas and around 75% of the clients are indigenous people (Maya-Quiché). Crediguate specializes in providing individual loans but also offers loans to solidarity groups and community banks.

Cooperativa Integral de Ahorro y Crédito ‘Para el Desarrollo Comunitario de Guatemala’, RL has been an Oikocredit partner since 2015.

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