FUBODE, Fundación Boliviana para el Desarrollo - Unterstützung einer gleichgesinnten Finanzinstitution mit starker sozialer Ausrichtung
FUBODE, Fundación Boliviana para el Desarrollo
Supporting a like-minded financial institution with a strong social focus
The development financial institution (DFI) Fundación Boliviana para el Desarrollo (FUBODE) provides financial services to low-income people and communities in both rural and urban areas. Most clients are involved in micro and small-scale productive or commercial activities. FUBODE provides both individual and village banking micro loans.
FUBODE started off as a non-profit NGO in 1999 with the objective of promoting socioeconomic activities, under the sponsorship of World Vision International (WVI). In 2013 FUBODE became a fully regulated DFI.
FUBODE’s clients, mostly women, are located in seven departments: Cochabamba, Santa Cruz, Oruro, Potosí, Tarija, Chuquisaca and La Paz. FUBODE currently has a network of 21 rural and urban branches (2016). Its head office is in the city of Cochabamba.
FUBODE has a strong social profile. It has a rural focus, a high level of female participation, fair and transparent pricing structures, and social performance management.
FUBODE, Fundación Boliviana para el Desarrollo has been an Oikocredit partner since 2009.
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